Bags Business Description

Exploration Name: Bag Business

Exploration  Dates: October 7th-November 19th

Number of students: 13

Essential Questions:

Why do we use bags – the purpose of bags?

What is the purpose of creating a prototype?

What processes are needed to create a small profitable business?

Description: When we started this project we thought about Ready-Set-Go, which is a website that helped us get ideas about starting our business. In Ready we thought about our logo, what business and our goals. Then we divided all the students in our group into three different departments. There were Research + Development, Account + Finance and Sales and Marketing. In R+D they worked on how to make our design unique. In A+C they worked on Project balance sheet. Project balance sheet is the sheet that we just think of but it is not happen yet. But S + M is very important because they need to prepare the attitude and be friendly to the buyers who come. After that we took trips to RUFA, Art Gallery, A.N.D, Royal Boutique, Smateria and Wattan. Wattan is a place which made bags for us to paint. At first we decided to make 52 tote bags but then we wanted another 13 ipad bags. In our last day we all painted the bags already and we opened the shop for the students, staff and visitors to buy bags from our business. On that day we also used a mannequin to make up and put the bags on it’s hand. At that day we sold nearly all the bags. We also had 2 bags to raffle. This was very fun. We had the promotion about the tickets and one ticket for the adult costs 1$ and for the kids costs 2000៛. From that day each of us got $5 from when we sold.


Water System Description

Exploration Name:  Liger Water System

Exploration Dates: August 12 – September 26

Number of Students: 12

Description: In our water group we learned about the pH of water. The full words of pH is Percent Hydrogen. That is the kind of scale that people use to measure the acids and bases. The scale of pH is 0-14. From 0-7 is acidic, 7-14 is basic and 7 is neutral. The hydrogen (H+) is acid and hydroxide (OH-) is base. When we learned about pH we did the experiment with 13 liquid things. For ex: the coca-cola and pond water. The coca-cola was 2.0 so it means acidic. If we drink it a lot like every day we would get sick but if we drink in 1 week only 1 it will be good. The pond was 10.0 so it means basic and if it has a lot of basic like this it also not good for our health either. So we can eat or drink only higher than 7 to 9 or lower than 7 to 5, so it not really have many bases or acids. In this class we also studied about algae. Algae is the kind of plants that live in water and it uses the sun as it food. When this plant lives in water it will make water become basic. We studied our own pond at Liger to learn about this. One other thing that we learned was the water cycle. We learned when the sun rises then it does the evaporation with water. When water goes up it is not yet become the clouds but when the temperature is cool then it makes condensation so it becomes the cloud. When the cloud in the sky catches the cool temperature it will become the rain again. To learn about water we went on the trip to RDI. RDI is the place that makes the water filters to sell. One thing that we learned from there is why they made this RDI place because they saw that some people here don’t have the clean water to drink so they can buy it to get the filter and clean for them. Another reason is when they sell the water filter they sell as cheaply as they can to help the people in Cambodia.