Iron deficiency

We are learning about anemia that include iron deficiency. For most of the time in our class we are doing the research about it. We found out that Anemia is the most common diseases in the world. Anemia is when the level of our red blood cells lower than normal. The symptoms of it are weakness, pale skin, tired, headache, and more. That is because we don’t have enough iron in our body. But as we learn through the concept there is a simple solution and that’s called Lucky Iron Fish. Lucky Iron Fish is the organization that make the fish from the iron and can provide more iron in there body. Lucky Iron Fish came from Canada and now it almost make another organization in India. A man named Davuth who work with that organization had came to our school and tell us more about the organization. We had plan to Siem Reap to do the workshops to the villagers about anemia because we know that most of the people that live in the rural area got less iron in their body that can cause them a disease. But before we do it we need to plan what we going to tell them and learn more it clearly so that when they ask us the questions we can answer it confidently. We work together in a group and come up with four different parts of the presentation of the workshop and in total we did two workshop. The first group act a role play that talked about a woman that got anemia. Second group talked about the three time anemia that include iron deficiency. The third group talked about healthy eating, the meat and vegetables that contain a lot of iron. The last group talk about the Lucky Iron Fish, where it come from and how to use it. After all the presentation we did the demonstration to all the villagers, where we cooked one soup and then put the Lucky Iron Fish in it for ten minutes and then we let everyone taste that food and we found out that the taste of the food still the same but it contain more iron than before. In total we distributed the Lucky Iron Fish about 200 fish to the villagers. For the whole trip beside our workshops days we also take our opportunity to go to other place in Siem Reap. We went to Angkor Wat, hiking, landmine museum and to see the amazing circus. We had one Khmer teacher from our school came with us so when we went to any places he always tell the history about it to us.

  • Act a role play of the first workshop.

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