Sharation Exploration Round 5

On the 8th June, 2016 we have a big sharation at Liger that all the students presented to their parents and the other people that join this event. It was a big and last sharation for everyone before the school summer holiday of the year. We’re not just presented about what we learned in this round but also all the explorations that we have done of this year. We stared at 9:00am until the end of the day. In one class there are 2-3 presentations because there are a lot of explorations that will be present. As people walked around to many different classes they also can take a break to get some refreshments down stair of the budling. At 12:00pm all the students and parents had had lunch together. When most of the students finished their lunch a teacher had called them to performed some songs that they’d learned before to their parents. For this sharation some people may not get through all the presentations so we continued to do it again after they get some rest from their lunch. It seemed like people really enjoy with the work that all the students have done. Some people really suprised to some project because they never see it before. Also it showed us that they really pay attention to our presentation because sometimes they ask really questions. At the end of the day sharation was over. Some students already prepared their stuff and ready to go home for their summer holiday. But some students still finishing up their last speech for their guess. Anyway everyone did a really good job on their work and it was a big day before our summer holiday of the year.

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